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2020-08-15 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Free群星璀璨,不可错过!8月15日周六美东时间晚8点(Sat. 8/15 8pm EDT),大华府浙大优秀校友子女们将与您分享求学,课外活动,以及高校申请的经验和心得!还有名校升学顾问和家长助阵答疑!详情请点击zuaadc.org, Zoom 链接 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86946797869
- Kylie Ying graduated from RMHS in 2015, MIT in 2019, and is returning to MIT this fall for her MEng. Kylie 2017年开始加入Haydenettes synchronized skating (花样滑冰)team。The Haydenettes won their historic 28th U.S. title with an overall score of 203.19 points in 2020. The win marks their 11th straight dating back to 2010.
- Lucas Lin graduated from Winston Churchill High School with the highest GPA in his class, and will study International Economics at Georgetown University in the School of Foreign Service. Lucas is an active member of seven national honor societies, captain of his high school Math Club, and co-captain of his high school co-ed volleyball team. He also founded several local and regional service groups (Capitol Youth Outreach Club, Annual Asian American Festival, Junior Reporting Club) to promote interaction through events, fundraising, and community support. He is recognized as a community leader by the Potomac Almanac and Maryland State Senator Susan Lee.
- Crystal Shi recently graduated from TJ and will be heading to Cornell University in the fall to study engineering. She was captain of the varsity volleyball team, Chief Technology Officer of Teknos, and an officer in two service clubs. She also likes to write and sing a lot in her free time.
- Ben Kang Graduated from TJHSST. Going to MIT. Considering Math, CS, Economics as interested majors. US Olympic Math Team. USOMO Winner, RSI and PRIMES USA member.
- Adele Peng (家长代为参加), a recent graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) in Virginia and an incoming freshman at Princeton University. an aspiring biologist, writer, and visual artist.
- Connie Du (杜康妮,家长代为参加), 2019年毕业于芝加哥郊区的Deerfield High School, 毕业时入UC Berkeley, 今年转入University of Virginia, 她是美國艺术体操国家队运动员(2016-2020),曾代表美國參加过三次世界锦标赛(第10、12 和14名)、十四次世界杯赛(二枚銅牌)和二次美洲錦标賽(1金4银)以及三届全美冠軍,今年备战參加東京奧运会,但因疫情奧運会推迟而決定退役。
- 黄春伟博士:黄校友的两位公主都是TJ的优秀毕业生。大女儿2009年从VA TJ高中毕业,2012年从杜克大学土木环境工程专业毕业,2015年从麻省理工学院获得工程硕士学位,现在美国联邦政府从事环境保护工作。小女儿2013年从VA TJ高中毕业,同年获得美国总统学者奖,2017年从麻省理工学院同时获得学硕士学位,目前任谷歌纽约软件工程师。
- 项玉寅博士:项校友的女儿, TJ2009届,高中期间是TJHSST的LD Debate Captain,曾获全国拉丁语比赛金牌, 美国中学生模拟法庭比赛第二名, 多次在USAPHO, USABO, Intel STS获奖,是RSI attendee和US Presidential Scholar. 大学期间任Director, Harvard College Consulting Group,现任职于高盛集团。儿子, TJ2016届,高中期间是Captain of TJ Math Team,两次入选MOSP Camp, 一次USACO Finalist。大学期间任Manager, Harvard Glee Club, 现加盟于硅谷一家自动驾驶初创公司。项博士的咨询公司,Inspire-learning,提供大学申请指导,包括申请论文和个人简历指导,大学面试训练,和学院选择。我们为有志于藤校的毕业生,提供精益求精的专业服务,帮助他们进入哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿,斯坦福,MIT, 沃顿商学院,和其他藤校。
备注:本次讲座向公众免费开放。如果您是浙大校友,为了更好地获取校友会相关消息,增进和组织的联系,建议您在我们华盛顿浙大校友会的官网注册一下,留下个人常用邮箱。目前己经有200多人注册过,注册后会有自动回执到您的邮箱中。注册地址 http://zuaadc.org/contact-us/。
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