[双语版] 第9期华盛顿浙大校友会 求是论坛:追梦圆梦,大学申请心得分享

The 9th Chiu-Shih Forum by Zhejiang University Alumni Association DC chapter took place on June 12th at 8pm EDT. Vice President Bin Liu and Board member Sarah Wu hosted the forum. Bin introduced featured guests, including students, who are children of alumni, and two alumni, who are also parents of successful children. Sarah read the disclaimer of Chiu-Shih forum series.

华盛顿浙江大学校友会分会主办的第九届求是论坛于美东时间6月12日晚上8点顺利举行,9点半圆满结束。来自全球的300余位观众通过Zoom会议和Youtube 直播参加。副会长刘斌和理事吴哲主持了此次论坛。刘斌介绍了四位校友子女嘉宾和两位校友嘉宾。随后吴哲宣读了求是论坛的免责声明。


Student speaker: Kianna Pan

Kianna recently graduated from River Hill High School and will be attending the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in the fall. She is an officer of River Hill High School National Art Honor Society, Science Olympiad, and Student Government. She is a recipient of multiple Gold Keys from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. She currently plans to study art and sustainability. (Note: RISD is the top design school in the US and is affiliated with Brown University).

Kianna talked about her high school experience and how she balanced academic and various activities including reading, writing, environment studies, and most importantly, art. These activities helped her decide what to do after high school. The most important thing in her college application was to present her artwork portfolio to the universities. When being asked of her plans after entering RISD, she said that she wants to bring design to a higher level where it is combined with scientific innovations through animation, illustration, etc.

分享嘉宾:Kianna Pan (潘心可)

Kianna刚从River Hill高中毕业,今年秋季将去罗德岛艺术学院(RISD)开始大学生活。她是River Hill高中全国艺术荣誉学会会员、科学奥林匹竞赛者和学生会成员,曾多次获得艺术和写作金钥匙奖,目前计划学习艺术和可持续发展。(注:RISD是所在美国名列前茅且享誉全球的著名设计大学。它跟长春藤布朗大学是邻居,而且联盟,RISD的学生可在布朗大学自由选课。)


Student Speaker: Kevin Xu

Kevin graduated from the Magnet Program of Montgomery Blair High School and will attend Johns Hopkins in the fall. He was the winner of Gold Medals for both British Biology Olympiad and Intermediate Biology Olympiad. He was also the 2020 winner of Silicon Valley Hacks and the Congressional App Challenge for his virtual whiteboard app Tabulo. The Tabulo app drew news coverage like Yahoo! News, MSN News, and local TV news and is featured in a US Capitol exhibit and the US House of Representatives website. Kevin plays on the varsity tennis team.

Kevin has specifically shared his various competition experiences. Since 9th grade, he has involved himself in various scientific competitions. In his 10th grade, he gained interest in studying the field of biology and began his preparations for the numerous biology Olympiads he would participate and win awards from. During this time as he explored biology, he continued learningother fields such as computer science with a data structure and algorithms class. With his friends, he simultaneously strengthened his computer science skills.

Later, during the pandemic, he decided to thoroughly explore the field of computer science. He found an international team and together histeam participated and won the Silicon Valley Hacks hackathon. There, theyinitially brought his app Tabulo (https://tabulo.app/about) idea into life. While viewing his teachers struggle to teach during the coronavirus pandemic, such as hischemistry teacher attempting to draw numbers and shapes with their mouse, he identified a major pain point in virtual education. He thought up of the idea to allow teachers to link their phone to their computer and use their phone as a drawing pad, so teachers can draw molecules and numbers on their phone using their figures and see them display simultaneously on the computer. This later became expanded to allow teachers to annotate over pre-prepared slides in PowerPoint form, or go through worksheets and quizzes pre-prepared in a Word Doc or PDF format. 

He also emphasized the importance of schoolwork and waysthat he was able to increase time spent on extracurriculars by decreasing timespent on schoolwork. By studying and collaborating on homework with hisfriends, he managed to save a lot of time and improve the productivity of hiswork sessions. He highlighted the importance of time management.

分享嘉宾: Kevin Xu (徐文文)


Kevin特别分享了他的比赛经验,从九年级开始,他就参加各种科学竞赛,在十年级的时候,他对生物非常感兴趣,并为奥林匹克竞赛做准备。后来,他在数据结构课上学习了算法,并组建了一个团队参加硅谷黑客挑战赛。他还强调学校作业很重要,通过和朋友们一起学习,他节省了很多时间,而时间管理是非常重要的。在疫情期间,徐文文在家里上学,看到有机化学老师在画化学分子式的时, 很吃力的用鼠标来画,所以他就想到开发个软件。Tabulo应用程序 (https://tabulo.app/) 就这样诞生了。这个软件可以把手机联上电脑,把手机当黑板用,在手机上画、写都可被同步传上电脑,反之在电脑上画写也被同步传给手机。学生老师互动,特别适合网上教学. 在课堂会场演讲幻灯片时,如有人提问,可以直接在手机上写,画对幻灯片注解同步传到电脑或屏幕上解答。

Student Speaker: Conmay “Rose” Du

Rose is a graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) in Fairfax and heading to UC Berkeley. She is a dancer and choreographer and was selected for Virginia Summer Residential Governor School for performing arts as well as other dance education scholarships and numerous awards. She is also the Captain for TJ varsity dance team, presidentfor the TWIST (Tomorrow’s Women in Science and Technology), president for the Urban Movement, staff writer for the TJ Today (TJ Newsletter), and others (American Sign Language, and Swing Dance). Through the TWIST, she organized annual STEM fair, Techstravaganza, to reach elementary and middle schoolstudents across DC-Maryland-Virginia region (often host over 5,000 kids). Her academic focus is on neuroscience and biology. Her research focused on developing ways to improve predicting the early onset of Parkinson’s diseaseusing three Python-based machine-learning models.

Being engaged in many diverse extracurricular activities from dancing at 8 studios to neuroscience and biomedical research, she undoubtedly had avery busy schedule. When being asked how she handled all these, she said that the busy schedule helped her improve her time management. For example, she worked on TWIST during lunch time, utilized Period 8 for in-school clubactivities, and alternated the dates for on-campus and off-campus dancing activities. Although she usually arrived home and began doing homework very late, she could stay focused, finish them fast and guarantee enough sleep. She felt fortunate to have great support from her family which helped her maintain psychological health and keep being productive.

分享嘉宾:Conmay “Rose” Du (杜康玫)

Rose毕业于费尔法克斯的托马斯·杰斐逊科技高中(TJ),即将入读加州大学伯克利分校。她热爱舞蹈艺术,既是一名优秀的舞蹈表演者也是一位舞蹈编导,曾入选竞争激烈、以培养未来领袖为目的、由州教育局出资的Virginia Summer Residential Governor学校的表演艺术项目以及其它多项舞蹈教育的奖学金,在各类舞蹈比賽中获奖无数。高中期间她担任TJ舞蹈队的队长、未来女性科学家俱乐部(TWIST)的主席、Urban Movement 俱乐部的主席、今日TJ时事通讯的撰稿人,以及其它一些学生组织(如美国手语和摇臂舞)。通过TWIST,她组织了一年一度的面向华盛顿特区-马里兰-弗吉尼亚地区的中小学生(通常有超过5000名学生參加)科技博览会(Techstravaganza)。她的学术兴趣是神经科学和生物学,高中的科研项目是使用三种基于python的机器学习模型来预测帕金森病的早期发病信号。

当被听众问到她是如何处理TJ高中的繁重功课和研究项目、组织安排学校的多个俱乐部工作、以及参加校外多所舞蹈学校的舞蹈学习、表演和比賽时,她回答说,这迫使她合理安排时间和提高工作效率,如利用中午吃饭时间进行TWIST的工作、利用学校的Period8 进行其它俱乐部的活动,把学校舞蹈队的训练日期同校外舞蹈活动的日期错开来,虽然每天要很晚才能开始做学校作业,但集中精力也能快速完成以保证睡眠的时间。幸运的是她得到了家人的大力支持,得以保持身心愉悦,也保证了学习工作的效率。

Student speaker: Eric Tang

Eric Tang graduated from the Wheeler School, a private school, and will be heading to Harvard College. He was awarded the 2021 US Presidential Scholar Medallion as well as given the distinction of winning the 2021 National Merit Scholarship. Eric has participated in many prestigious summer camps, including PROMYS (4 yr) and SUMaC (1 yr). Additionally, Eric has won championships in math, debate, Mock Trial, Envirothon, golf, and Academic Decathlon as well as published several journal-published research articles in math and medicine. His hobbies include art, city exploration, business entrepreneurship, and spending inordinate amounts of time with friends.

Eric genuinely enjoys learning and uses knowledge to better comprehend the world around him. His belief is that no activity should be done “for the resume,” instead electing to only do activities that elicit genuine joy. When asked about the Presidential Scholars Medallion, he responded that, although perfect standardized test scores are required, essays showcasing your passion are vital to a successful application.

分享嘉宾: Eric Tang

Eric Tang 毕业于私立学校Wheeler高中,他即将前往哈佛大学继续求学。他被授予2021 年美国总统学者奖章,并荣获2021 年国家优异奖学金。Eric 参加了许多著名的夏令营,包括PROMYS(4 年)和SUMaC(1 年)。此外,Eric还赢得了数学、辩论、模拟法庭、环境、高尔夫和学术十项全能等比赛的各项冠军,并在数学和医学领域发表了多篇文章。他的爱好包括艺术、城市探索、商业创业以及与朋友共度时间。

Eric 很喜欢学习并利用知识更好地理解他周围的世界。他的信念是,不应该为了“简历”而做任何活动,而应该选择只做能引起真正快乐的活动。当被问及总统学者奖章时,他回答说,尽管需要完美的标准化考试成绩,但展示您的热情的文章对于成功申请至关重要。


Q&A Session with Student Hosts Brooke Bao and Martin Hu

Brooke and Martin are rising high school seniors and hadtheir own questions that they wished to ask the student speakers.

Q1: How is the importance of standard test scores vs. other pieces in college applications?
Kianna: This really depends on school. For RISD, the art portfolio is the most important.
Eric: Essays are the most important since they let the university knows who you are as a person.

Q2: Is there anything in the application that you would have done better?
Kevin: Essays. He would have started earlier for the first school. This would make the essays for the earliest universities much better.
Rose Du: She would put down right away any idea that comes to her mind about the essays. This would have made the essay materials much richer.



Q1: 在大学申请中,标准考试分数与其他部分相比有何重要性?

Kianna: 这完全取决于学校,对于罗德岛设计学院来说,艺术作品集是最重要的。

Eric: 申请文书是最重要的,因为它让大学知道你是个怎样的人。

Q2: 在申请学校过程中,有什么是你可以做得更好的吗?

Kevin: 尽早开始撰写申请文书。如果再申请一次,他会早点开始写第一所学校的文书,这样交给最早截止的大学的文书就会好很多。

Rose Du:  如果再申请一次,申请前她会用一个小本把到的关于申请文书的任何素材立即记录下来,这将使文书的材料更加丰富。

Bin hosted the rest of the forum where we had two alumni who raised very successful children.

Featured Guest: Dr. John Huang

Dr. Huang graduated from Zhejiang University in 1982 and came to the U.S. in 1984.   His two daughters both graduated from the Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology (TJ) and obtained Master of Engineering degrees from MIT. His younger daughter was also a U.S. Presidential Scholar in 2013.  Right now, one of them works in the environmental protection area for the federal government and the other works inthe Google New York office as a software engineer.

As the old saying goes: “The pen is mightier than thesword.”  Writing is important for college applications and future jobs. Dr. Huang shared statistics on “The U.S. PresidentialScholars” and emphasized that good writing can make an applicant standout.  He said that applying for college is like an open-book exam. Parents and children need to browse the college application form a few years in advancein order to effectively plan high school life. As the driving force of children’s growth, parents must also have good writing abilities. He briefly shared his daughter’s “College Planning Packet” (a. k. a. Junior Packet).  Part of it requires parents to describe in writing the characteristics and achievements of their children to the school counselor. In short, success is reserved for those who are prepared.  

As part of community service, Dr. Huang’s daughters established the “Teens Helping Kids Club” during high school. They often organized Creative Writing Workshops to help primary and middle school students improve their writing skills. Although his daughters had already graduated fromhigh school several years ago, Dr. Huang continues to sponsor this onlinewriting workshop to cultivate the writing and presentation skills as well asleadership of the next generation of Chinese Americans.  The instructors of the writing workshop are very talented high school students, mostly from TJ. Over the years, they have donated all the tuition collected to the AiXin Foundation’s Rural Education Program, and have helped many children in poverty-stricken areas of China complete their studies.




古语有云:“笔胜于剑”。写作对大学申请和将来工作都很重要。黄博士分享了关于“美国总统学者”的统计数据,并强调优秀的写作能让申请者脱颖而出。他说申请大学就像开卷考试,家长和孩子需要提前几年浏览一下大学申请表,以便有效规划高中生活。作为孩子成长的推手,父母也必须要有好的文笔。他简要分享了他女儿的“大学规划包”(CollegePlanning Packet,又称JuniorPacket)。其中有一部分就需要家长用文字来向学校辅导员介绍自己的孩子的特点和成就。简言之,成功总是留给那些有准备的人。


Featured Guest: Dr. Eugene Hsiang

Dr. Hsiang has raised two outstanding kids who both graduated from TJ and attended Harvard, which is a very rare achievement among Chinese Americans. His daughter was a TJ Debate Captain and a 2009 U.S. Presidential Scholar.  She now works at Goldman Sachs in New York City. His son was a TJ Math Team Captain and a USACO Finalist. He joined an autonomous vehicle startup in Silicon Valley as asoftware engineer in 2019. Dr. Hsiang also operates a personalized college admission consulting service, Inspire-Learning. He has helped quite a few high school students successfully get into their dream colleges, like Harvard, Yale, MIT, University of Chicago, and Wharton Business School.

Dr. Hsiang used an analogy of coaches and athletes to describe the relationship between parents and children. Coaches need to motivate the athletes and know the strengths and weaknesses of their athletes. Coaches and athletes should respect and cooperate with each other. He also analyzed admission requirements of Harvard and discussed how to present your children’s traits through essays.




Q&A Session:

Martin and Brooke hosted this session and asked the speakers questions from the audience. These questions included what the ideal traits of acollege are, extracurricular activities, interview experiences, leadership, research activities, etc.




Wrapping up:

Each guest speaker was asked to use one phrase to describe the most important thing in the college application process.

·        Kianna: Clear communication.

·        Kevin: Good health

·        Rose: Earlier start and passion.

·        Eric: Balance academic and social life

·        Dr. Huang: Create your own opportunities.

·        Dr. Hsiang: Relationship between academics andactivities.

Vice President Hao Li presented Certification of Appreciation and Amazon gift cards to each guest speaker and student host. Vice President and Secretary General Jun Zhao concluded the forum. He thanked the guest speakers and encouraged their future participation in ZUAADC’s activities. On June 20, ZUAADC would host the first outdoor gathering since the pandemic. Please stay tuned to the details and we look forward to meeting you there.

Yuntao Liu, Guopin Zhao and Ying Wan helped with reportingand distributing the information on this forum.



•Kianna: 有效的沟通。

•Kevin: 身体健康。

•Rose: 提早开始以及热情。

•Eric: 平衡学业和社交生活。

•Dr. Huang: 创造你自己的机会。

•Dr. Hsiang: 学术与课外活动的关系。

