COVID-19 疫情己在美国爆发,很多美国医院的一线医务人员防护物资紧张,他们正在危险中战斗。在此关键危急时刻,保护好我们奋战在一线的医护人员,就是保护好我们自己身边的每一个人!在这场战役中,我们华人理当展示我们的仁爱精神和行动力。
现在我们大华府华人自发筹建了捐助防护物资平台,以Chinese Americans Support Hospitals (CASH) 之名,向广大爱心人士筹款。同时,我们聚集了一批专业医护人员、防护物资专家和爱心志愿者,确保购置专业医用防护物资,直接捐赠至有需求的美国医院。
Under the current Coronavirus crisis that is paralyzing our communities, a team of Chinese American volunteers in the DC-Maryland area is fundraising to protect our frontier healthcare professionals (HCPs) from potential transmission risks as posed by COVID-19. The fund raised will be allocated to purchase and deliver medical standard face masks and other protective equipment that our HCPs badly need in the battle against this dire virus. Donations will be made to local hospitals and relevant healthcare facilities directly or via certified NPO
Liang Zhao, liangzhao2000@hotmail.com
Ping Lu, pinglu1123@gmail.com
Qianyu Dang, qda4023@yahoo.com
Jun Zhao, dr.junzhao@yahoo.com
Rose Xu, xu_rose@hotmail.com
Hao Li, haoli0804@gmail.com